Our History

Hughesdale Primary School Celebrating 100 Years - Centenary Logo in Green

Honouring the Past, Embracing the Future: Centenary Carnival and Open Day








In September 1924 a single-story brick school opened on the Brine Street site. The school, erected on open ground by Warner and Hamilton, comprised 10 classrooms, a headmaster’s office, teachers’ room and some storage areas.

An acting head teacher, Max LR Martin, accepted the key to Oakleigh South State No. 4176 and welcomed EW Greenwood, MLA, to officiate at the formal opening of the school on Friday November 1924. The Minister for Education, Sir Alexander Peacock, while invited, was unable to attend. Oakleigh’s mayor, Cr JV Hughes, also attended the opening. He could not have imagined then that in years to come the school would bear his name: Hughesdale Primary School.

In the following year (1925), RW Peart, a veteran of World War I, succeeded Martin who had been temporarily appointed. Robert Part had enlisted in August 1915, embarking with the 18th ASC and serving in Egypt and France before returning to Australia.

By 1930 the second storey was completed and the enlarged school was officially reopened.

Much has changed in education since the establishment of School No.4176 in 1924. It initially adhered to Victoria’s regimented curriculum and classroom structures.

Students now have more interaction with teachers; education is conducted in partnership with parents and the technological environment in which students learn has had great impact. A high level of parental involvement and commitment is manifest at Hughesdale Primary School

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